Primary Visual Display

The primary visual display (PVD) board contains useful work group information and performance metrics that helps the team stay focused on the most important aspects of their work together. It is the essential communications focal point for any natural work group. The PVD:

  • Is the daily gathering point for intact work groups and the location for the daily Shift Start-Up meeting.
  • Is a collection point for work group metrics and other relevant communications
  • Contains information needed for problem-solving and continuous improvement (KAS Sheets)
  • Captures daily “Hot Buttons” or issues needing immediate attention

Primary Visual Display Board

Notice that almost all of the information is relevant for the work group itself. Very little information is about anything outside of the work group. The work group is accountable for the results that are shown on the PVD. If you provide a lot of information and results that the work group cannot affect, it will be irrelevant to them and the team will lose interest quickly.

Primary Visual Display Core Elements

  • Performance metrics such as: Safety, Quality, Delivery & Scheduling, Productivity
  • Continuous Improvement: Issues of the day (Hot Buttons), Kaizen Action Sheet (KAS) System, 20 Keys, 5S
  • Team dynamics: Attendance. Skills versatility
  • General information: Executive Steering Committee (ESC) participation, Customer information, Company performance, Special announcements (visitors, events, news, recognitions)

The PVD Contains information about team and individual performance. It displays relevant information openly and visually so the team can focus on problem solving instead of data accuracy. By doing this, it brings clarity and delivers consensus about what’s important and encourages efficient communication and teamwork.

Primary Visual Display Template

Primary Visual Display template showing major PVD elements like Kaizen Action Sheets and metrics

The PVD is a standard method for work group communication and performance tracking on a day-to-day basis. It is a core element of Kaufman Global’s Lean Daily Management System. For implementation, start with metrics and then implement the Kaizen Action Sheet (KAS) System.


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