Manufacturing Capacity Analysis in Europe

Case Study: Industrial / Agricultural Manufacturing

Project Highlights

Down select from 42 Eurozone countries to 10 finalists

Deep dive analysis for 13 vital criteria such as supply chain, labor, customer proximity

Identified the optimal geo-location for additional manufacturing capacity in continental Europe

Established consensus among cross-functional client stakeholders and prepared board presentations


Countries evaluated in detail


Criteria considered for each country


Weeks to reach full consensus


Geographic Hot Zone Identified

Identify the optimal location to expand manufacturing capacity in Europe

A manufacturer of industrial components with a global footprint needed to expand capacity in Europe. The clients current production capability in Europe is supplied entirely from the United Kingdom. Multiple factors came together to escalate the need for a European mainland location:

  • The desire to shorten the supply chain from Asia
  • Brexit and the uncertainty of trade agreements and costs between the UK and the European Union
  • A desire to be closer to their mainland customers

Kaufman Global conducted an thorough, fact-based manufacturing capacity analysis that identified a geographic “hot zone” for expansion in mainland Europe. For this analysis we incorporated client objectives and understanding with researched and current data to form a matrix of possible alternatives. We started with over 100 possible criteria and 42 candidate countries. These were narrowed to 10 target countries and 13 critical criteria such as customer proximity, labor costs, supply chain resilience, political stability, taxes, etc. From here, the field was narrowed to 3 top priority countries. The final result was a single geographic region that spanned 3 countries.

For each step of the process, client leadership and the manufacturing strategy team was fully engaged and participating in the evaluation and decisions. Kaufman Global applied a robust, fact-base analysis that incorporated subjective experiential inputs from the client, leading to consensus and a solid launch into subsequent project phases.

“The analysis was thorough and fact based. At the same time, getting the entire manufacturing strategy team engaged and participating made it easier for us to come to agreement on the results. Kaufman Global has a process and it works!”

~Joint Team Member

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