SLIM-IT Implementation Model

SLIM-IT implementation model is a project management framework. It works because it literally surrounds process improvement tools and activities with human factors as part of its structure. Most projects aimed at process improvement leave out the change management element and instead gravitate automatically to process improvement tools (i.e. Kaizen Events), training, teamwork and technology. Without the necessary organizational engagement to hold improvement methods in place, they quickly fall away.

SLIM-IT Implementaion Model

In this model, the three outer bands are all people-systems:

  • Structure is leadership engagement via the Executive Steering Committee (ESC). Their job is to keep the initiative on track.
  • Lean Daily Management System® is Kaufman Global’s method for engaging work teams at the process level
  • Mentoring acknowledges the importance of coaching, asking instead of telling and active leadership

Then comes Metrics. SLIM-IT ® implementation model metrics are focused on macro and micro processes – these are the areas where natural work groups have the most influence.

Finally, at the center of the SLIM-IT model are the tools and techniques (Operational Excellence, Lean and Six Sigma, change management) that attack waste and variation in any process. Training, up-skilling and capability development are essential for sustainability. Technology plays a role once process capability is understood and improved to the extent possible using teamwork and more standard, hands-on problem-solving approaches. The combination of all of the elements of the SLIM-It implementation model lead to ever-increasing levels of communication, cooperation and teamwork.

SLIM-IT was created by Kaufman Global and has been conveyed to hundreds of clients and Lean Leaders around the globe.

Learn more about Kaufman Global’s related services here: SLIM-IT  ® Implementation Model.

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