Introducing Lean Know-how

Case Study: State Government

Project Highlights

5 weeks, 20 people — identifying and eliminating process waste

Used problem-solving tools with data to control the work

Performance metrics defined, tracked and acted upon

Improved quality with much less rework and fewer delays


P-wks redeployed


Fewer AP steps


Leaders trained

9.2 / 10

Ave. workshop scores


LDMS engagement

Harnessing change with Lean problem-solving tools.

This executive branch office provides business support services such as accounting and grant management to six (6) agencies within state government including:

  • Department of Agriculture
  • Office of Tourism Development
  • Office of Community and Rural Affairs
  • Office of Energy Development
  • Office of Small Business and Entrepreneurship, and
  • Department of Defense Development

The client sought to gain practical Lean know-how and structure to drive ongoing operational improvements. Over five-weeks we implemented the SLIM-IT continuous improvement structure to energize and engage leadership and staff. To align 15 top leaders, during the first project week we led a two-day Managers Lean Overview. As these foundations took hold, we facilitated two Rapid Improvement Events (RIE) to improve the Accounts Payable and Grant Services processes and train internal resources.

As a result of this project, the Office now has the structure in-place to continuously improve and implement throughout in the organization. Staff is engaged and energized to improve their work and is receiving full support from the top executive and staff.

“I didn’t believe that things would actually change. But, when I came in this morning, things already had!”

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