DHS Finance Pilot

Case Study: State Government

Project Highlights

DHS: 10,000 employees | $10B budget | 250 programs

Improve integrity and timeliness of financial data /  reporting

Focus: Budget, AR, Payroll, Budget-to-Actuals

Spurred full Transformation initiative with >$100M in savings


Yr 1 cost savings


Overtime reduction

5 Mo

Earlier budget submission


State Controller Gold Star


Processes decomposed

A pilot project spurs a $100M+ Transformation initiative.

The State of Oregon’s Department of Human Services (DHS) had a budget short fall of more than $170 million and required support to assess its financial department to identify cost-cutting opportunities. Partnering with Kaufman Global, this Lean pilot project focused on improving processes within the Administrative Services Division, including those from the Office of Budget and Policy, the Office of Financial Services, and the Office of Payment Accuracy and Recovery.

Addressing challenges ranging from data integration to coding errors, the pilot project introduced Lean methods to the agency and generated more than $8.4 million in cost savings / avoidance within the first 12 months. Its success led to the creation of a full DHS Transformation initiative that continues to drive capability and top Lean outcomes today.

“LDMS has transformed our work and office. Employees are feeling valued and are now interested in what’s going on around them. We want to make a difference because we know the more Lean we are in the office setting, the more Oregonians we can help.”

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